Rabbit anti-Human ApoAII Antibody Affinity Purified
Product Details
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Apo AII comprises 25% of HDL. It exists in human plasma as a dimer of 2 identical chains of 77 amino acid residues, joined by disulfide. The molecular weight is reported to be 8.7 kDa for a single chain (Brewer et al., 1972).Studies on mouse reported that apo AII may be proatherogenic (Warden et al., 1993); however, case-control study in the large European Prospective Investigation demonstrated that plasma Apo AII concentrations were strongly inversely correlated with CHD events. (Birjmohun et al., 2007)
Alternate Names
apoAII; Apo-AII; ApoA-II; Apolipoprotein A2; apolipoprotein A-II
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