Rabbit anti-Phospho SMC3 (S1083) Antibody Affinity Purified

Product Details
The epitope recognized by A304-637A maps to a region between residue The epitope recognized by A304-637A maps to a region surrounding residue 1083 when Serine 1083 is phosphorylated of human Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes 3 using the numbering given in SwissProt entry Q9UQE7 (GeneID 9126). of human Structural Maintenance of Chromosome 3 using the numbering given in entry NP_005436.1 (GeneID 9126).
Immunoglobulin concentration was determined using Beer’s Law where 1mg/mL IgG has an A280 of 1.4.
Additional Product Information
SMC3 (structural maintenance of chromosomes 3) is a component of the cohesin complex which is critical for precise duplication and segregation of chromosomes. SMC3 heterodimerizes with SMC1 and associates with two non-SMC subunits, Rad21/Scc1 and Scc3, to form the cohesin complex.
Alternate Names
BAM; Bamacan; basement membrane-associated chondroitin proteoglycan; BMH; CDLS3; Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 6; chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 6 (bamacan); chromosome-associated polypeptide; CSPG6; HCAP; SMC protein 3; SMC-3; SMC3L1; structural maintenance of chromosomes protein 3
All western blot analysis is performed using 5% Milk-TBST for blocking and as antibody diluent. Primary antibody is incubated overnight.
Western blots of cell lysates are performed using Goat anti-Rabbit IgG Heavy and Light Chain Antibody (Cat. No. A120-101P).
Western blots of immunoprecipitates are performed using Goat anti-Rabbit Light Chain HRP Conjugate (Cat. No. A120-113P) with 5% Normal Pig Serum (Cat. No. S100-020) added to the blocking buffer.